Recruitment Process Fatigue


A fancy title, but a very real issue for marketing candidates today. I’m frequently coming across this mindset and wanted to take a moment to talk to those of you seeking a new marketing role right now. Specifically, those people who have been slogging through their hunt for a new marketing job for a while; perhaps even since March.

Things are starting to hurt; you are fed up. I understand. These are such tough times; you are constantly worrying about money and have simply had enough of the whole thing. If this search was for anything else, you’d have likely chucked in the towel ages ago.

But it is your income. You simply can’t do that. You may have been through the recruitment process multiple times by now. Perhaps even got down to the last two on occasion? But some other luckier person always seems to have more experience, is a better cultural fit or got stronger digital marketing skills than you.

What can you do about a tough marketing job search?

OK, it is tough love time – you have two options:

Option 1 – Get angry. Blame the company, the hiring manager, the recruiter. Keep on doing the same thing time after time and expecting a different result (sound familiar?). Chances of success – pretty slim in my view.

Option 2 –Have belief in yourself; you will figure this out and the right opportunity will come. If you are not offered the job, it was probably not the right one. But don’t give up and don’t try to pin the blame on someone else.

Remember, you are 100% in charge of you. Only you can make this happen. Fact: it is not an easy time to find a job; there is a higher volume of applications than there has ever been. In times like these your belief in you and your own strength is very important.

Times are hard and optimism is hard to find sometimes but belief that this is only a temporary situation will make a huge difference. Things may come out of it that you never expected. Taking every set back as an opportunity is a good way of looking at it; there’s a great 10 min podcast you might find helpful on this called the Science of Luck.

If you’d like a chat about the market or help in your hunt for a new marketing job, then please do feel free to give me a call. I’d be happy to help.

I’ve also collated some of the things you can do to help yourself moving forward when it comes to changing your mindset – check them out here.