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Advice for a long job search

When you embark on a marketing job search, you can never predict how it will go.

Sometimes you are lucky and opportunities arrive at your door, other times it can be a long, often challenging process.

In a long job search there are times you need to dig deep - this is the advice I give to people every day.

What things can you work on to turn your marketing job search around?

Resilience – job hunting in marketing can sometimes be a marathon slog of effort and frequent rejection. It is horrible! Like a series of unsuccessful first dates night after night. No one would voluntarily put themselves through that (I’d be at home in my pj’s with a hot chocolate and a good movie one week in!). Whilst easier said than done, you need to build a resilience to a drawn-out process of applications and rejections.

One thing I strongly recommend is to work on nurturing a positive view of yourself. You are good at what you do, believe in your strengths. I am a big fan of a post-it on the mirror with a positive message that I look at every morning. Only a little thing, but it reinforces my self-belief and helps me start my day on a good note. There is some great advice on other ways of building resilience that might help at

People want to hire positivity – by building resilience to the long slog and working on a more positive frame of mind, it helps you in marketing job interviews. Exuding positivity draws people to you. That awful phrase “the stink of desperation” is just horrid, but the truth is when you are desperate for a job, any job, it shines through in interview situation. Hiring managers want to know you want this job, in this marketing team not just any old one.

So, re-frame; if this marketing job is right for me then I will get it.

Patience – processes are taking longer than usual, and each one is different. It is frustrating but try to take each part of the process as a step towards your eventual goal. Change your mindset to focus on each step, rather than the effort required for a potential negative outcome. This will make it more manageable.

Support – if you are working with a marketing recruiter, use them for support and advice. It may shock you to know that we want you to succeed almost as much as you do! We are not there to put obstacles in your way, a good recruiter will do all they can to help you get over the line and get that marketing job you want.

Flexibility – money worries are a constant companion in times like this. If you are getting to a point where things are unsustainable, give yourself a break and time to breathe. Consider taking something temporary, even it is completely out of your field for a few weeks. Continue to job hunt on the side but take the pressure off.

The most important thing - Don’t get hung up on how long it is taking, or take it personally if you feel that the company or recruiter is messing you around. Companies are being more cautious than ever; this is not a reflection on you or your application. If you do get a no then try to bounce back from rejection quickly. Spending a lot time dwelling on feedback or picking over what you did wrong isn’t usually the most constructive approach.

It sounds harsh but if you get to the end and it is a no – then it is a no. The hiring manager will have made their decision and unfortunately there is nothing you can do to change it. It is easy to react and lash out with an email or telling everyone how angry you are. Rather go for a walk, take some time to devote to self-care.

Ask yourself – “did I do everything in my power to get this job?” If the answer is Yes – then move on. If the answer is No – then make a check list of what you can do differently and make changes for next time.


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